+++ Transitional Period Extended +++
Dear VERE members, dear take-e-way customers,
Two weeks ago we have informed you about the changes of the administrative practice of the Foundation EAR (German WEEE registration board) regarding lighting equipment.
Thus since February 1st, 2013 also luminaires with securely attached, non-exchangeable light sources such as e.g. Christmas chains of light, LED stripes or correspondingly built pocket lamps come under the obligation to register according to the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG / WEEE). There should only be a short transition period until May 1st, 2013 for this purpose.
As the VERE Association and take-e-way reported, the changes of the administration practice (rule ear 03-005) are causing serious difficulties for a large part of the importers and lots of small manufacturers, since they need a longer lead time to process a proper calculation.
In the past few days we received lots of calls of concerned manufacturers who concluded last year businesses for mid to end of this year. Subsequently these companies are unable to include the increased cost of the changed administration practice into their price calculation.
Therefore, the VERE Association and take-e-way announced to stand up for the manufacturers and importers for an extension of the transition period.
On Friday, the Foundation EAR sent us the following explanations for our members and customers, which we kindly ask you to take note of:
If you place devices on the market, which fall below the application of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) according to the new administration practice you should register them immediately.
From September 1st, 2013 on, the new practice in the differentiation will be binding. I.e. you may not place any devices on the market that fall in the application for the first time according to the new practice and for which you do not possess a correct registration.
According to the Foundation EAR, this transition period shall reduce the consequences of the changed understanding for our members and customers and give you the opportunity to take the necessary provisions in time.
The VERE Association and take-e-way will stand up for a further extension of the transitional period for special cases of hardness.
Please consider the processing time for the applications for registration by the Foundation EAR. Depending on the situation, this may take a few weeks.
For any further questions we will be at your entire disposal under the phone number +49 / 40 / 21 90 10 – 65 and will also be glad to help you in short-term registration of your devices. With this in mind we remain with
Kind regards,
Your team of VERE / take-e-way