As we have found out from a very authoritative source, the situation for B2B distributors turns out to be as follows:
Regarding the “Question of the obligation to take back WEEE by the so-called B2B distributors, the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (= ElektroG) makes clear arrangements. In § 17 para. 1 it does not distinguish between the different distributors, but only regards the used devices which need to be taken back. In this respect, B2B distributors are also obliged to take back used devices from private households. As a general rule, the B2B distributor sells only electrical and electronic devices to other users than private households, the 1:1 take-back will not come into consideration on a regular basis. However, the 0:1 take-back does concern him to the same extent as the B2C distributor. Therefore, he will also be concerned by the same obligations to indicate and report according to § 25 and § 29 of the ElektroG.”
What this means for you, dear customer, is that all market participants who sell electrical devices within the Federal Republic of Germany (so-called distributors) have to take back all used electrical devices with an edge length of less than 25 cm, no matter from whom – if they are stationary distributors having a sales area for electrical devices of more than 400 sqm or if they are online distributors having a storage and dispatch surface (shelf space) of more than 400 sqm. Therefore, this also applies for small gas discharge lamps. take-e-way will be at your disposal by phone under +49/40/219010-770 or under for any further questions.
B2B Distributors are obliged to take back Small Electrical Devices in Germany
B2B distributors are also obliged to take back used devices from private households